Karneval der Kulturen.

Every year Berlin celebrates the city’s cultural diversity with the Karneval der Kulturen or Carnival of Cultures in English. The Carnival takes place in early summer around Pentecost. A four-day street festival at Blücherplatz leads up to the main event, an eight and half hour long street parade filled with music and dance. I spent the month of May living in Berlin, and I attended the Carnival. The Carnival is meant to be experienced. In doing so words will never be able to sum up the experience of Carnival of Cultures. As a parade attendee it’s encouraged to just join a float, and dance the entire parade route. I joined four different floats, and danced in the hot Berlin air with several hundred people. The Carnival is the essence of what I thought Berlin was; an accepting, diverse community that values living life with the most enjoyment possible.


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